Managing playlists
How do I add a post to a playlist?
To add a post to a playlist do as follows: Click in the playlist on 'Add new post'. Ón the ri...
How do I add feeds to an playlist?
Open the playlist. Click on 'Add feed'.A pop-up opens where you can choose a feed. Press 'add...
What does it mean when a feed is 'not available'?
If a feed is not available, it's probably because the playlist is set to landscape but the feed...
How do you create a playlist for a vertical screen (portrait)?
To create a Portrait-playlist, go to 'Add playlist'and set orientation to Portrait. No 'Portrait...
The colors of the post (text) are not correct
Got to
How can I adjust the order of posts in a playlist?
By using the handles on the left of each post row.Click and hold to move the post.
How to add a calendar to a playlist
Go to 'calendar' in the menu. Right-click on a calendar in the PrimeTime section and click on 'e...