Broadcasts with text, images, video, and live feeds from well-known news channels. Accordingly, to your own branding guidelines. This way, you control the flow of information towards your employees and guests.
Start your own TV channel with Comvay360. Create playlists. Manage everything remotely. Whether you're managing screens, where ever you are in the world.
Managing playlists
How do I add a post to a playlist?
To add a post to a playlist do as follows: Click in the playlist on 'Add new post'. Ón the ri...
How do I add feeds to an playlist?
Open the playlist. Click on 'Add feed'.A pop-up opens where you can choose a feed. Press 'add...
What does it mean when a feed is 'not available'?
If a feed is not available, it's probably because the playlist is set to landscape but the feed...
How do you create a playlist for a vertical screen (portrait)?
To create a Portrait-playlist, go to 'Add playlist'and set orientation to Portrait. No 'Portrait...
The colors of the post (text) are not correct
Got to
How can I adjust the order of posts in a playlist?
By using the handles on the left of each post row.Click and hold to move the post.
How to add a calendar to a playlist
Go to 'calendar' in the menu. Right-click on a calendar in the PrimeTime section and click on 'e...
Dongels / Decoders / Tv's
Decoders zijn de kleine kastjes die achter de TV hangen.
Kan ik de decoder automatisch op stand-by laten gaan?
Dat kan zeker. Als je de rechten hebt om de Tv's te bekijken in PrimeTime, dan vind je deze onde...
Kan ik het beeldscherm ook staand gebruiken?
Je kunt je beeldscherm ook een kwartslag draaien, zodat je beeld rechtop staat. We noemen dat Po...
PrimeTime Dongle installation
PrimeTime Dongle There you are! You received your PrimeTime Dongle!The dongle is already pr...
Troubleshooting Dongle
What if I cannot get a broadcast running? Step 1: Basic trouble shooting Check if the televis...